Our Why

The Bible talks about the importance of fasting a lot, with Jesus specifically addressing it in Matthew 6. Jesus didn’t just say, “If you fast,” or “if you pray.” He actually led with, “when you fast,” and “when you pray,” which explains to us that prayer and fasting isn’t just an option, or just something reserved for the elite, but it’s a practice for all of us and it’s designed to maximize the Spirit of God in our lives.

Fasting Details

From January 1 through January 21, we’re doing a churchwide fast with an extra emphasis on our prayer and devotional times. We’re encouraging everyone to take ONE STEP CLOSER this season.

First Day:
Monday, January 1
Last Day:
Sunday, January 21

We invite you fast something uniquely sacrificial to you. We recommend the Daniel Fast (no meat, no bread, and no dessert), but we challenge you to go deeper by exploring the other fasting types in our digital or printed guide.

Prayer Services

Our Prayer Services are going deeper than ever before! Join us at 7pm on Wednesday and Friday nights in the Main Sanctuary throughout the fast.

Midweek Prayer Services | January 3, 10, 17
We’re switching up our typical Wednesday night services at the Curry Ford Campus by leading the congregation in directional prayer nights. Both our Michigan St. and Red Bug Lake Campuses will be meeting at their campuses as well, as they kick off their “Winter Wednesday Nights” series with prayer.

Friday Night Prayer | January 5 & 19
We kick off week 1 in the Main Sanctuary with a combined prayer night for both youth and adults. (On January 12, Ministry Team Conference will kick of with prayer for attendees in the Mainstream Youth Center).

Resources & Downloads


Make a daily commitment to spend extra time praying and seeking God.

To bring your prayer times to the next level, we encourage you to attend our midweek services at 7pm on Wednesdays for three weeks of “Night of Prayer,” and our Friday Night Prayer services at 7pm on Fridays throughout the fast.

Below, you’ll also find quick-links to share a praise report of what God’s doing in your life, submit a prayer request, or pray for your church family.

Submit a Prayer RequestShare a Praise ReportView Church Prayer Needs


We invite everyone to participate in 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting. While we recommend the Daniel Fast, we challenge you to go deeper by fasting something uniquely sacrificial to you. For tips and resources, flip through the booklet above, pick up a physical copy in the lobby, or simply download a digital copy below.

Prayer & Fasting Grow Class
Sundays, January 7 | 9am & 11:15am | Room B201
Join our 1-day “Prayer & Fasting Grow Class,” designed to provide accountability and resources to equip you during our churchwide 21-day journey! Receive helpful Bible-reading tips, prayer support, and fasting guidance!

Download the Digital BookletFast-Friendly Restaurants


In addition to prayer and fasting, reading your Bible is essential towards connecting with God in a powerful way.

This year, we’ve outlined a simple 21-Day Bible-Reading plan, complete with daily prayer focuses that we believe will unite us as a church.

Follow us on social media, as we’ll be posting devotional videos daily brought to you by our church family!

Watch Our Daily Devos21 Day Bible-Reading Plan

Sermons on Prayer & Fasting

watch these for a better understanding

One Step Closer | December 31, 2023

Deepen the Stakes | January 2023

Deepen the Stakes Part 2 | January 2023

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting | January 2022