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Sign Up for Parade of NationsMW23 Event Schedule


Join us for a week-long celebration of all that God is doing around the world through Faith Assembly. This year’s theme, “Hope for the Nations,” is a reminder that God’s hope travels to the ends of the earth!

In order to make a global impact, we need to reach further than we’ve gone before – which means we need to pray, give, go, and live like we’ve never done before!


This weeklong missions-focused experience will provide opportunities for praying, giving, going, and living, ultimately helping our congregation become a part of Reach Global’s worldwide impact.


Throughout the week, you’re invited to participate in the annual Parade of Nations, engage with our visiting missionary families, and gain a widened global perspective.

Missions Week

At A Glance

Kingdom Builders Banquet

Friday, November 3      6:30pm      Atrium

Join us on Friday, November 3 for an evening of dinner and exciting Kingdom Builders project updates. Come with an open heart and a willingness to give as we hear from Guest Speakers Jonathan & Jennifer Barratt from Project Rescue. We look forward to a wonderful evening of celebration, inspiration, and connection as Pastor Johnnie shares his heart for Kingdom Builders at Faith for the remainder of this year and cast vision for 2024 and beyond.


Opening Weekend

Sunday, November 5      8am, 10am & 12am       Main Sanctuary

Weekend Services

Join us for worship, a mission-oriented service and dynamic message. Visit our booth in lobby to sign up for a 2024 Trip! Our annual Parade of Nations will kick off each service, so come ready to celebrate cultures from across the globe. Stay late to shop through the kids Missions Market and help our little ones raise money for Kingdom Builders.

Global Prayer Night

Wednesday, November 8      7pm       Atrium

Midweek Service

Meet & Interact with Visiting Missionaries during our Global Prayer Night. Throughout service, we’ll hear real-life stories from the field and be led in directional prayer. Kids Way classes will feature guest missionaries and cultural cuisine for their International Night. Stay late to shop through the kids Missions Market and help our little ones raise money for Kingdom Builders.

Closing Weekend Services

Sunday, November 12      8am, 10am, 12pm      Main Sanctuary

Kingdom Builders Miracle Offering

In 2023, Faith Assembly has witnessed extraordinary generosity, empowering both local outreach and global missions. Our church has committed to raise $750,000 to finish the year strong, and your support is crucial. With our Miracle Offering coming up on November 12, we pray that your heart will be stirred to contribute so that together, we can secure funding for four specific Kingdom Builders Partners: Project Rescue (Madrid), Convoy of Hope (Global & Local Impact), Wycliffe’s Akebu Bible Project (Togo), and the Curry Ford Expansion & New Campus (Local Impact). Join us on Sunday to hear more about these projects.

Guest Speaker Dr. Heath Adamson

Chief of Staff at Convoy of Hope, Heath Adamson leads an international ministry that’s known for being “first-on-the-ground” throughout many global crises and natural disasters. Adamson also serves as the Global Chairman for the World Assemblies of God Fellowship Next Gen Commission and the author of numerous books including The Sacred Chase and Grace In The Valley.


for Missions Week

It Takes a Village

Ever heard the phrase, “it takes a village?” We believe that applies to everything we do here at Faith too; especially Missions Week. In other words, we can’t pull this event off without you! Be part of something bigger than yourself by signing up to represent a nation in our annual Parade of Nations! Volunteers get to dress up in cultural attire, hold a flag, and walk in the parade route!

Sign Up for Parade of Nations