Reach Global is a ministry of Faith Assembly, designed to reach people by meeting physical and spiritual needs across the globe. You can expect visits from real-life missionaries in our midweek services, a monthly missions emphasis in our weekend services, and an annual Missions Week every fall.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded.”
Reach Global
Partner with us by
Praying, Giving, Going & Living!


Join our Reach Global Prayer Team every Sunday morning in Room B214 at 11:15am. Here you will be interceding for prayer requests submitted by the 1000+ missionaries that Faith supports.
Additionally, become part of our 52 Weeks of Prayer community, a Facebook group committed to praying year-round for global missions!
Give to Missions
By donating through Kingdom Builders, your support will help 1000+ Assemblies of God missionaries reach thousands of people all over the world.
Donate to a Trip
Looking for a way to help but can’t physically go on a trip? Donate to help pay they way for someone else!
A Reach Global mission trip is a short-term experience where small teams serve with our international partners, meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people all over the world. Our vision is for Reach Global mission trips to be opportunities for people to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships through serving.
Help us support our missionaries by serving as a Missionary Host or volunteering with any of our Reach Global events throughout the year.
Interested in a longer missionary assignment? Reach Global provides
a track to help you serve shorter assignments in increments of two months, a year, or two years, as well as even pursuing a career in missions.

Reach Out
For More Information
If you have any questions or if you need more information, please contact the Church Office.